Premium Reading

Our premium reading is our most in-depth, and detailed reading option; perfect for a deeper insight into your life and current situations. You can ask up to five different questions within this reading, and really unlock insight into each area of your life. Our amazing readers will use a mixture of mediumship, tarot, and psychic abilities to link in with your energy, and provide you with a genuine and unique reading. Please include a recent head and shoulder photo of yourself for a deeper connection. If you are looking for a message from a loved one in Spirit, then a photo of this person can also be helpful for the reader.
Please note: You must provide your date of birth to show you are over 18. Our psychics may also use your date of birth to help them to tune in to you. Due to regulations, we are not allowed to answer questions on health, pregnancy, finance and legal issues. Readings can take up to 72 hours excluding weekends and bank holidays.